Multi-purpose Blender MultiViniMix

Multi-purpose Blender MultiViniMix

The Multivinimix, mixer, multi-tasking 100% Stainless steel, facilitates the hydration of your yeast and allows, in a general way to mix all your oenological products.

Temperature sensor and heating resistor built-in
The Multivinimix heater, control, and automatically maintains the temperature thanks to its built-in probe.
The process of the Multivinimixadding to the wort in the mixer avoids the variations in temperature and decreases the osmotic shocks (deviations in the content of sugars with the wort) in which this mixture in the vessel.

Quantity of water measured and controlled
The ruler allows you to precisely manage the amount of water.

Incorporation of yeast facilitated
The filling is accessible from the tank facilitates the incorporation of yeast and other elements of seeding.

In summary

1. Facilitates the rehydration of yeast
2. Contrôle la température de réhydratation
3. Maintaining automatically the temperature of the bath before rehydration
4. It avoids thermal differences must-leaven, in excess of 10°C
5. Decreases the osmotic shocks (deviations in the content of sugars with the wort)
6. Facilitates the introduction of other elements of seeding :

  • Lactic acid bacteria (seeding)
  • Collages (preparations)
  • Ammonium Sulfate (preparation)
  • Chaptalization (help)
  • Phyto-preparation (after thorough cleaning)



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